Aquatic horror finds a murky home in Silt, an atmospheric puzzler teeming with deep-sea creatures for you to possess. From menacing Blockheads to photophobic leeches,manipulating the denizens of the dark is the only way to clear the obstacles in your path and stay alive - hopefully long enough to learn what exactly you're doing down here in the first place.
Related: The Best Underwater Games, Ranked
Don't be fooled; though pretty to look at, these real-life sea monsters can still prove dangerous. Ensure you get the most out of your thalassic mystery with our handy tips and tricks guide.
Gravity doesn't feature heavily down in the depths. Things bounce and float into places they ought not bounce or float, and that is mirrored in the game's mechanics. However, this can make navigation extra hard for PC gamers as the mouse portion of your KBM setup is rendered useless. If the ASD and arrows configuration has you frustrated, try using a console controller for easier maneuverability of the Diver and their possessed entities.
Silt relies heavily on a combined audiovisual atmosphere, so be sure to use headphones! Its carefully designed soundscape evokes the unsettling, cavernous silence of the sea, with nothing but air bubbles, snapping jaws, and the faint lapping of hungry leeches to keep you company - and sometimes, you hear them before you see them.
At the start of each puzzle, don't forget to use the camera controls to conduct a quick scan of the area before going much further. Light sources are few, but even a small peek ahead could save you a nasty jump scare from a hidden foe. Check the narrow walls of any tunnels for bulb-like creatures that squirt ink to obscure your vision, and watch out for the sharp teeth of hidden