Every time a new Pokemon generation comes out, people moan about how terrible the new ‘mons are. “It’s just a cup of tea!” Aye, and Caterpie is a caterpillar, Ekans is snake spelt backwards, and Geodude is a buff rock. Not to be confused with the Rock, who is very buff. There’s probably more chance of Geodude being in Fast 10, though. Still, maybe these people are onto something. Maybe the games are running out of ideas. Maybe we should stop with new ‘mons for a gen and take a moment to look back and celebrate the series’ history.
Asking Game Freak to come up with another few hundred fictional animals every few years is a big ask. I can’t blame them for adding an apple or just a big, pissed-off wolf. The wiggle room for new ideas is shrinking as we approach the ninth gen - we’ll be in double digits for gens, and quadruple digits for ‘mons soon. There are 898 Pokemon, and it feels like more than half of them are just regular birds or fish. So it’s unavoidable that things will get wackier and further from Gen 1 as we keep ploughing ahead toward the 1,000th ‘mon.
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When we discussed Gen 9 in TheGamer's office, things got heated. Turning-the-office-into-a-paintball-warzone heated. I argued my side, that Gen 9 should ditch new ‘mons and go all-in on the oldies, but features editor Ben Sledge said the opposite, that Gen 9 should be nothing but new ‘mons. Wrong.
The solution to avoid burnout and to take a breather is to do just that - take a breather. Stop adding ‘mons and look back at your catalogue of nearly 900 and make a ‘dex out of that, if not all of that. It’s what Go did and sure, it isn’t a mainline game, but it’s an entire game built with pre-existing ‘mons and
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