Cuddling Raccoon Studies, created by solo-developer Azurexis, recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for its debut title Paper Animal RPG. The simply titled RPG is a surprisingly disparate mix of genres and fond nostalgic influences in a pixelated paper-craft wrapper. The Kickstarter campaign is currently in its home stretch, with backers able to secure the game for €15 prior to its projected September 2023 launch.
Game Rant spoke to Azurexis, who also goes by Nick, about pioneering the cozier side of the roguelite genre with Paper Animal RPG's casual mode and wholesome vibes. Fans of Paper Marioand Pokemon Mystery Dungeon titles will want to keep an eye on Paper Animal RPG, but those looking for a change of pace from grimdark and challenging roguelikes may also find it charming.
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Like many solo developers, Azurexis' project is a labor of love, so it follows that he would combine two favorite styles to create the game.
«Basically, I like both genres very much, with the wholesome genre — if you can call it a genre — being cozy and welcoming and the roguelike genre, being full of mysteries and challenges. I also haven’t seen many cross-overs between these two concepts, so I thought why not combining two of my favorite game concepts into one?»
Azurexis believes that cozy games have become more popular given the current state of the world, as empowering and reassuring spaces for players. Melding the iterative, high-stakes adventuring of a roguelike into a cozy, comforting title is a novel approach, albeit seemingly paradoxical. If the formula succeeds, it could be a breath of fresh air in a genre that feels crowded, samey, and oftentimes oppressively