The Overwatch community has had plenty of memes over the years, ranging from High Noon jokes about Cassidy to nods to Genji’s constant need for healing. Now, the latest Overwatch trend sees players poking fun at their teammates.
Similar to Overwatch’s silly tier list memes, the lists of teammate excuses have quickly spread across the game’s subreddit. Each post looks at a specific role in the game, with the image showing the heroes in that category and then the go-to excuses those that play them have. With several characters made fun of through these memes, nobody is safe from being called out. Considering that all Overwatch players have likely heard one of the excuses before, the memes should prove to be relatable.
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One of these lists was posted by Reddit user and Overwatch player ConfidentlyNoOne, and it highlights excuses used by Support players when they are called out for not healing. Classic lines like “you wouldn’t hold still” and “the tank is my priority” were seen, as were others like “I find you irritating.” Unsurprisingly, the post took off, getting over 10,000 upvotes from members of the Overwatch fan base. Overall, the comments were a mix of Support healers saying that many of the excuses are valid and other roles getting enjoyment out of the meme. Another post went on to highlight reasons Tank players will say they are struggling, and it is equally funny.
In the post highlighting Overwatch’s Tanks, Reddit user DinoDracko shared some particularly funny excuses used by the class. Alongside blaming everyone else on the team, one of the excuses sees Tank players saying they just “want to play Hog” since the queue times are so long for Damage heroes.