An animated series based on the video game franchise is coming to Netflix, with set to release sometime later this year.
The new anime series was announced by the streaming company with its own brief teaser trailer. Focusing fully on Jin Kazama — who was first introduced in 1997’s — will seemingly follow Kazama as he seeks out his grandfather, Heihachi Mishima, to train for revenge and a major tournament. The trailer, which is featured below, contains all sorts of familiar faces like Ganryu, Ogre, True Ogre, King, Paul Phoenix, Leroy Smith, and seemingly a small glimpse at Jin’s dad, Kazuya.
marks the latest video game adaptation that Netflix is taking a swing on, having already succeeded in its adaptation, its adaptation, and of course the hit series based on books and games.
“‘Power is everything.’ Jin Kazama learned the family self-defense arts, Kazama-Style Traditional Martial Arts, from his mother at an early age,” the official synopsis reads. “Even so, he was powerless when a monstrous evil suddenly appeared, destroying everything dear to him, changing his life forever. Angry at himself for being unable to stop it, Jin vowed revenge and sought absolute power to exact it. His quest will lead to the ultimate battle on a global stage — The King of Iron Fist Tournament.”
This won’t be the first time an adaptation has been explored, as the series had its own anime films in 1998 and 2011, and a live-action film in 2009 as well. The latest mainline game was released in 2015, when launched to great reviews, garnering an 82 average score.