The iconic show, Naruto, set in a world of ninjas who use chakra-based techniques, is one anime series that won't be forgotten anytime soon. The series has many characters, of which some are fan favorites, and some are not-so-loved by most anime fans. A character that fits into the latter category is Sakura Haruno, a member of the Team 7 Shinobi team, led by Hatake Kakashi.
In the anime franchise, hating Sakura is mainstream for no credible reason despite the accomplishments the character served at the ninja table. Sakura is an important character that contributed directly/indirectly to Naruto's rise as a Ninja powerhouse and, ultimately, the Seventh Hokage. Even though hating Sakura is fast becoming the norm, the character has notable feats that should suggest otherwise. Here's a run-through of Sakura's most iconic feats.
Naruto: Reasons Sakura Is Over-Hated
Most of Sakura’s notable feats tend to be forgotten – a plight suffered by anime characters that are overshadowed by their protagonists. With proper research, fans will discover Sakura's amazing traits and talents as a model shinobi in the world of Naruto. As a shinobi-in-training, one noticeable fact about Sakura is her intelligence and steadfastness to a set goal. At the start of the Naruto series, Sakura was above most of her mates in terms of academic excellence and studiousness. To become the ideal Shinobi later in her life, she was willing to give her academics her all, and the results were proof of that. Consequently, her grades in most of her exams were perfect scores. Hence, even though she wasn't as tactically sound in battle as Naruto & Sasuke, she had her own achievements.
Furthermore, as a young shinobi, Sakura was honorable and willing to put her life on