In an unexpected turn of events, YouTube legend Jimmy "MrBeast" seemingly hinted at a potential collaboration in India by responding to a tweet by S8UL founder Animesh "Thug." The surprising interaction left Indian BGMI fans in disbelief.
The conversation started with Thug tweeting at MrBeast, suggesting that the latter should plan a video in India. He also stated that the subcontinent has an "insane audience."
Jimmy responded to Thug's proposition a few hours later, saying he was "down" for it. He continued by asking who he should collaborate with from the Indian streaming and gaming community:
The unexpected conversation gained much attention on the social media platform, with hundreds of fans posting their reactions.
Earlier this year, the American star revealed he was looking to "mix things up a bit" as he wanted to collaborate with people outside the United States. In the now-deleted tweet, Jimmy said:
Fast forward to August 18, and the philanthropist surprised the Indian online community by hinting at a potential collaboration in India. S8UL Esports was up and ready to help out the YouTuber and replied:
One popular user provided a list of Indian content creators with whom Jimmy may collaborate:
Thug posted another update, stating that the potential venture could be discussed privately. He also mentioned that the effort could be made as big as possible, as he could lead the entire pool of Indian content creators:
Naman "MortaL" was looking forward to the S8UL Esports x MrBeast collab:
Global Esports founder Rushindra Sinha suggested that Jimmy could get in touch with Global Esports India alongside S8UL Esports:
Hawknest, the content creator for Tribe Gaming, claimed that a massive collaboration with Indian content creators