In recent years, the Madden franchise has made several unsuccessful attempts to include a narrative driven story mode in the game, starting with Longshot and progressing into the current Face of the Franchise mode in Madden 23. Instead of creating completely original narratives, EA and the development team of Madden 23 should learn from NBA 2K23's Jordan Challenge, which tells a narrative so good it's already been written.
The Jordan Challenge in NBA 2K23 gives fans all the great parts of a mode highlighting the great moments in a career without the sometimes cringe-worthy original narrative that has been in some sports titles. Much like the Rey Mysterio-focused Showcase mode in WWE 2K22 which revisits his greatest matches, the Jordan Challenge allows players to relive all of MJ's greatest moments, from the 1982 National Championship game at North Carolina, to Jordan hitting the game-winning shot against Utah in Game 6 of the 1998 NBA Finals. There are 15 challenges in total that comprise the entire mode, and players earn stars for completing the primary challenges and the secondary challenges inside them.
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There is so much potential in a Jordan Challenge-style mode in Madden that it feels strange that it hasn't happened already. Aside from Major League Baseball, none of the North American sports has the type of tradition and legendary players that the NFL has. There is a wealth of NFL players throughout history that could be the focus of a similar mode, from Jim Brown in the 1960s to Joe Montana and Walter Payton in the 1980s, and legends of today like Tom Brady. The NFL's 100 Greatest Players list has no shortage of football legends that would be great