Yasuo is a very versatile and popular Assassin in League of Legends: Wild Rift. Having one of the highest DPS (Damage Per Second) out of all Assassins, combined with his high mobility, damage mitigation/deflection, and CC (Crowd Control) can make this Champion seem unstoppable in the right hands.
Since Yasuo has a pretty good Early Game and is still strong in the Late Game, it seems almost as if he has no weaknesses. However, that is incorrect, and here are the best ways for LoL: Wild Rift players to deal with handling and countering Yasuo next time he's on the enemy team.
CC (Crowd Control) refers to any ability that hinders or interrupts a Champion's movement or actions. A few examples would be Stuns, which stop all movement and attacks, Slows, which slow how fast Champions can move, and Snares, which stop all movement but Champions can still attack if they're within range to do so.
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Champions with a lot of CC are very good at shutting down and countering Yasuo. Since Yasuo has low defenses, he relies on his swift mobility, wind wall, and Passive Ability to survive or avoid incoming damage. However, when under the effects of CC, especially if there are multiple sources of it, he can be killed before getting a chance to do so.
Yasuo is a Champion that relies on Physical Damage, Attack Speed, and Critical Damage to defeat his opponents. Regarding itemization, players would want items such as Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Randuin's Omen, Plated Steelcaps, Guardian Angel, or any other defensive items that provide Armor. These specific items are mentioned because they are all perfectly designed to diminish Yasuo's fighting capabilities.
League of Legends: Wild Rift — How To Play Yasuo
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