As India returns to normalcy after its Diwali festivities, the cosmos is bringing a rare occurrence for humanity to gawk at on Earth. Today, October 25, the final partial solar eclipse of the Sun will be seen acros a number of cities. We have witnessed multiple astronomical events this year, ranging from the five-planet alignment, the passage of an interstellar comet, three meteor showers as well as the blood Moon and the Hunter's Moon, but this one will be the most special one for India. After a very long time, India gets to experience the solar eclipse. However, only a select few locations will see it and for varying amounts of time and intensity. But those of you who can't watch it normally, can always opt for the online route. Know all the details around the surya grahan.
India missed out on the previous and the only other solar eclipse of 2022 due to being on the nightside of the Earth. However, the country is one of the main locations where the solar eclipse will be visible. Even this time around, the entire solar eclipse will not be visible as it progresses even after the sun has set in India.
While this solar eclipse will be visible across Europe, Russia gets the maximum exposure of 82% of this solar eclipse. The other regions where it will be visible include Western Siberia, Central Asia, Western Asia, South Asia and the north-east of Africa.
In India, the solar eclipse will be visible from most locations to a certain extent. However, the northeastern states and islands like Andaman and Nicobar will not be able to see it. The Moon will obstruct a maximum of 40-50% of the Sun during the surya grahan. In New Delhi, the eclipse will begin at 4:29 PM and continue until 6:09 PM. Mumbai will witness it starting at 4:49