JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a series that is one of the most popular manga series in the world. With the series being divided into different parts, there is a lot of diversity. Every part of the series features a different protagonist, and each of them has distinct character traits which make them interesting. The seventh part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is Steel Ball Run. It is the second-highest rated series on MyAnimeList, which not only indicates the part's popularity but also its impeccable story.
The part took place after the controversial Stone Ocean, which got a lot of mixed reviews. So, there was quite some pressure on Araki while writing Steel Ball Run, and thankfully he managed to ace it and produced a huge hit. Steel Ball Run is special in various ways- the new universe, giving the new characters the names of characters from other parts, the introduction of Spin, etcetera. One of the biggest attractions of Steel Ball Run is the characters and while all of them were brilliant in their own ways, some of them managed to stand out more than the others, and one such character was Johnny Joestar.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Every Stand Introduced In Netflix's Stone Ocean So Far
In comparison to the other Joestars, Johnny had a more compelling backstory. His father, George Joestar, was an extremely wealthy man, but he did not seem to care about Johnny. George adored Nicholas, who was Johnny's older brother. Johnny and Nicholas got along fine, and the latter was always kind to him.
The relationship between the two brothers was incredible, and Nicholas even helped Johnny part ways with Danny, by releasing the mouse into the woods. Sadly, this decision came back to haunt Johnny as Danny ended up startling Nicholas' horse,