Don't Make Me Go's heartwarming narrative revolves around John Cho's Max and Mia Isaac's Wally as a father-daughter duo embarking on a road trip from California to New Orleans. Max's inoperable brain tumor means his time on Earth is limited and he decides to take Wally across the country to meet her mother and teach her about life.
The Prime Video film, which was directed by Hannah Marks (who previously directed Mark, Mary & Some Other People), also stars Jermaine Clement, Otis Dhanji, and Josh Thomson. Cho is best known for playing Sulu in 2009's Star Trek and2013's Star Trek Into Darkness, as well as for portraying Harold Lee in the Harold & Kumar movies. The actor most recently starred in the Netflix series Cowboy Bebop. On Isaac's end, Don't Make Me Go marks her first appearance in a feature-length film.
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Screen Rant spoke to Cho and Isaac about building their on-screen father-daughter relationship.
Screen Rant: John, your character Max is in this situation of genuinely trying to bond with Wally, but her being a typical teenager and getting into trouble. How does he use these challenging moments to both help his daughter grow and maintain a positive relationship with her?
John Cho: He's trying to make this thing happen in the way that he wants it to happen, but that's not the way life works and it's not the way independent individuals work. He has to kind of own up to the fact that his daughter is not a prop, that she's not going to just say the lines in the play that he has written. Once he comes to terms with that is when I think the relationship flowers.
I love how there’s so much realism in Wally as an American teenager. Mia, how did you approach