Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 comes with significant changes over its prequel. Apart from revamped movement mechanics, the Gunsmith 2.0 system, and a graphical overhaul, it introduces two new sets of Weapon Mastery Camouflage - Polyatomic and Orion.
Modern Warfare 2 features four different sets of Mastery Camos - Gold, Platinum, Polyatomic, and finally Orion. To unlock these, players will have to complete certain challenges in-game. Each variant will have its respective challenges and earning them isn't easy.
This guide aims to assist players in obtaining the new Polyatomic Camo in Modern Warfare 2.
Polyatomic Camos are a new addition to the series. This line of Camo covers the entire weapon in different shades of purple and black with a glossy appearance. Light bounces off each polygon, giving the weapon a premium feel.
Obtaining Polyatomic Camos in Modern Warfare 2 isn't easy. You will have to acquire the Platinum Camo for 51 weapons in the game. Once it is achieved, Polyatomic challenges will be unlocked, which is different for every gun. For example, the challenges for a Sniper rifle like the SP-X 80, will be completely different than those for a Shotgun like Expedite 12.
Completing these challenges for a gun will grant you its Polyatomic Camo.
Platinum Camo challenges can be unlocked by earning Gold Camos for a minimum number of weapons in a particular weapon class. This minimum number is defined by the guns in that particular weapon family upon launch.
Here's how many Gold weapons you would need per category:
For example, there are eight Assault Rifles at launch. Meaning, throughout MW2's lifespan, players will only have to unlock Gold for eight Assault Rifles.
After this, Platinum challenges will be unlocked. Unlike