In Minecraft, there are three different kinds of frogs that you can encounter in the wild. However, you will likely only see one in most worlds unless you do a little bit of intervention. If you want to fill out your home area with different colored frogs, here is how to spawn Cold, Temperate, and Warm frogs in Minecraft.
The kind of frog you have will depend on the biome that that frog grew from a tadpole into adulthood in. Because frogs only naturally spawn in swamps, you will regularly see temperate frogs in your world. However, if you breed some frogs and collect tadpoles in a bucket, you can take them to a different biome to become one of the other colored frogs. Here are all of the biomes each frog will come from.
Cold (green) Cold OceanDeep Cold OceanDeep Frozen OceanFrozen OceanFrozen PeaksFrozen RiverGroveIce SpikesJagged PeaksMeadowOld Growth Pine TaigaOld Growth Spruce TaigaSnowy BeachSnowy PlainsSnowy SlopesSnowy TaigaTaigaWindswept ForestWindswept Gravelly HillsWindswept HillsTemperate (orange) BeachBirch ForestDark ForestFlower ForestForestMeadowOld Growth Birch ForestPlainsRiverSunflower PlainsSwampWarm (gray) BadlandsBamboo JungleBasalt DeltasCrimson ForestDesertEroded BadlandsJungleNether WastesSavannaSavanna PlateauSoul Sand ValleySparse JungleStony PeaksWarped ForestWindswept SavannaWooded Badlands Read more on