The JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure manga and anime are split into different parts, with each section having its own protagonist. Jotaro from Part 3 is the most famous of all the JoJo protagonists and arguably the mascot of the franchise. As such, he is an all-rounder in All Star Battle R. He’s an easy character for anyone to pick up and try. He’s a good starting point character, and we recommend starting with a character like Jotaro before moving on to some of the more complicated characters.
Related: How to play Jolyne Cujoh in JJBA: All Star Battle R – Combos, strategies, and more
Combos and Special Moves for Jotaro from JoJo’s Bizarre AdventureJotaro is best in close and mid-range melee combat, and he also has excellent reach with several good long-distant attacks. He is very versatile and capable of striking from anywhere on the stage. However, his moves are easy to read and can easily be blocked. His skills and specials are divided between User Mode and Stand Mode. Activating Stand Mode summons a character’s Stand and gives them extra reach. The front right trigger button (R1 on the DualShock) brings out a Stand, but not every character has a Stand.
List of Jotaro’s Skills and SpecialsUser Mode/Stand Mode – I stopped time… (Special)
Jotaro activates Stop Time, freezing your opponent in place. This move takes a while to charge and leaves you open. Your Heat Heart Gauge bars will gradually decrease as you remain frozen in time. You exit out of Time Stop once you run out of HH bars. The more HH bars you have available, the time between activation and stopping time is reduce.
User Mode – Back off. (Special)
Jotaro kicks forward.
User Mode/Stand Mode – ORA, ORA! (Skill)
Jotaro summons Star Platinum to hit his opponent with a