Dead by Daylightis celebrating its 6th year anniversary with the Twisted Masquerade event, including the limited Frightful Flan Offering. Many rewards are available for players participating in the celebration, but none are quite as powerful for progression as the Frightful Flan. Available to both Dead by Daylight's Monstrous killers and its extensive roster of survivors, any player can use this limited Offering to increase the bloodpoints received by all players in that match.
A large part of Dead by Daylight's progression system is based on the accumulation and spending of Bloodpoints. Bloodpoints are earned by both killers and survivors based on their performance during the match. Players can then spend these points on any character in order to unlock add-ons, offerings, and perks to use in-game. Additionally, these Bloodpoints are account-bound, meaning points earned by playing as a killer can be used on any survivor and vice-versa. This gives players incredible flexibility in choosing which characters to invest these hard-earned Bloodpoints into.
Related: Dead by Daylight Survivor Guide: Haddie Kaur (Perks, Tips, & Strategies)
Bloodpoints are essential for unlocking the perks and add-ons for the best builds in Dead by Daylight, and the Twisted Masquerade event is the perfect opportunity to gather these Bloodpoints. This is because the event allows players to obtain the Frightful Flan Offering, which gives all players a +106% increase in bloodpoints awarded in the match. If all five players use this Offering before a match, that equates to a flat +530% bloodpoints for every single player in that match. This is a massive and welcome increase for any player looking to unlock more perks and add-ons for their characters.