The Monster Hunter franchise debuted almost two decades ago on the PlayStation 2, and has since lived on every console generation with a prominent presence on just about every platform. Between PlayStation exclusives, Wii exclusives, Xbox exclusives, and even mobile exclusives, Monster Hunter is a beast of a franchise — and a monumental one with over 15 major entires.
Every Monster Hunter game has the same basic presence: grab some gear, head out into the wilderness, and hunt some hulking monsters. But the intricacies of Monster Hunter's mechanics and the constant sense of progression keeps this franchise engaging to this day. Monster Hunter has evolved over the years, but with this persistent expansion also comes more content, and more content means longer runtimes. Those who are looking at tackling the entire Monster Hunter franchise are in for some great fun, but also some very lengthy campaigns.
Discord May Have Just Leaked The Next Monster Hunter Game
There are currently six mainline Monster Hunter entries. These games are big, the ones that truly innovate and improve on the formula with each iteration. As such, they tend to boast some longer campaigns. The first Monster Hunter released in 2004, and despite it being the most basic version of the formula, the average time to beat Monster Hunter's story is around 50 hours — which for a PS2 game is pretty impressive. However, to complete the game in its entirety, this runtime increases drastically, ranging from 200 hours all the way up to 500. With Monster Hunter G and Monster Hunter Freedom being enhanced ports of this first game, their runtime is comparable.
In 2006, the appropriately titled sequel Monster Hunter 2 released. With even more content than the first game,