There are several Hogwarts Legacy Eye Chests found in the castle. These ornate containers don't reward you with gear, but you do receive 500 gold. This makes them a viable option if you need to acquire a lot of money early in the game. However, you do need a particular spell which we'll discuss below. Here's our guide to help you open all Hogwarts Legacy Eye Chests found inside Hogwarts Castle.
If you attempt to approach Eye Chests in Hogwarts Legacy, these containers will get startled, preventing you from interacting with them. That's why you need the Disillusionment spell, which is obtained once you start the Secrets of the Restricted Section main quest. This occurs early in the campaign (i.e., roughly your «third day» as a student, relatively speaking with how quests are grouped together).
Disillusionment activates stealth mode, letting you sneak up on these objects. Once you're close enough, you can press the interact button to open them and receive 500 gold from each one.
In any case, we'll detail the castle Eye Chests in Hogwarts Legacy below, noting the nearest fast travel points to help you with navigation. We're not including a map due to the in-game layout.
These are the Hogwarts Legacy Eye Chests that we've found in the castle and nearby grounds. There are still a lot more to discover in Hogsmeade Village.
Hogwarts Legacy is developed by Avalanche Software, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game has been embroiled in controversy due to transphobic remarks from Harry Potter author JK Rowling. Although she is not personally involved with its development, she stands to profit from its success. For more, read our in-depth article on how Rowling's comments have impacted the trans