Every survival game setting presents its own unique challenges. Stranded on a tropical island, the player must scrounge for water and take shelter from the sun. Abandoned on a frozen mountain, keeping warm and running from wolves are the priority instead.
Mods That Turn Fallout 4 Into A (Better) Survival Game
Even by the standards of survival games, Hobo: Tough Life is a unique and difficult experience. While it may not be entirely realistic, the game's depiction of homelessness and poverty can be tough to grapple with in more ways than one. Players will naturally want to obtain the food and other supplies they need to survive, and for this they'll need to earn money, which isn't always a simple matter when homeless. Here are some of the best ways in the game to make money fast.
One of the best ways to make money in the game, especially at the beginning when the player has almost nothing and is just trying to get their feet under them, is questing. There are a variety of options in this regard, but to make money fast, one of the best options is Langos's first quest. After this, the player can always go to the Pawn Shop for a longer quest.
Langos is located in the camp beyond the stone bridge, near the pit where the player begins the game. He wants the player to pick up some scrap metal, a quest that doesn't take long and rewards the player well. The scrap metal is located in a trailer at the nearby Sugar Refinery. The player will need to use a Lockpick to open the trailer and steal the scrap metal, which will cause a drop in Morale, but selling the four pieces of scrap metal will earn the player 120 coins for just a few minutes of work. The best survival games are known for tough decisions, but this one's easy to make.
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