Since it began in 1997, the Grand Theft Auto series has brought players to fictional cities across the United States to engage in mayhem. It has become one of the largest franchises in gaming, and the streets of its cities have become staples of the open-world genre. However, Grand Theft Auto has returned to the same three cities for years, so it is time for Rockstar to create a whole new city for the franchise.
Grand Theft Auto has brought players to a fictional Miami, Los Angeles, and New York City. In fact, it has almost exclusively revisited these locales, except for the pit stop in London in 1999. Rockstar has barely scratched the surface when it comes to creating satirical versions of the United States, and Grand Theft Auto 6 is a great opportunity to branch out with new locales. Specifically, Rockstar should look to the Midwest region of the United States for inspiration, as that will let it create a city unique to Grand Theft Auto.
Grand Theft Auto 6 Should Return to London
The first Grand Theft Auto introduced players to the three cities that would become the core of the franchise. The game let players traverse Liberty City, San Andreas, and Vice City, each based on real-life New York, San Francisco, and Miami. Since then, players have visited these places multiple times.
Liberty City was used not only in Grand Theft Auto, but it also made an appearance in Grand Theft Auto 3 and Grand Theft Auto 4. San Andreas appeared in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto 5, where it was expanded to be an entire state rather than one city and introduced players to Los Santos — a fictional version of Los Angeles. Vice City is one of the least explored cities in the franchise as it has only appeared in Grand Theft