Garena Free Fire has released its latest video in the Free Fire Tales animated series. The short, called Double Trouble, introduces new character Tatsuya Garcia, the brother of Shirou Garcia, following the two on their adventures working for Dasha in the city of Griza.
The video's accompanying event, Double Trouble, debuts in game on October 1, when all players will be able to unlock Tatsuya for free, and join the brothers' adventures in game. Players will take on Tatsuya's role in the game event, and compete against Shirou. The event will also include an accompanying web event called Griza Fighter, where players will work through a gauntlet of villains to reach the final boss.
Tatsuya is live in the game now as of Free Fire's latest update, which also added free plays for the game's customizable Craftland mode, and a new Droid Apocalypse template for the mode.
Garena Free Fire is a free-to-play mobile battle royale. The game follows a familiar template for the genre, seeing players dropped on an island to compete in 50-player survival battle royale matches. The game has recently had a number of high-profile collaborations, including a Justin Bieber concert, and a BTS music video.