On the surface, a long-running science fiction show and British institution Doctor Who is a story about a time-traveling alien who flits around the universe usually saving people and occasionally causing more problems. However, the show wouldn't work without the Doctor's temper and arrogance being tamed by a companion.
Over the years and many faces of the Doctor, plenty of companions have come and gone. Some leave by choice, some by accident, and some by circumstance. Out of all the people that have traveled in the T.A.R.D.I.S, who has the best introduction to the timey-wimey world of the show? Let's look at a few standout entrances to determine who made the best and biggest first impression.
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When it comes to companions, few have made an impact quite like Rose Tyler. Played by pop star turned actress Billie Piper, the first companion of the Doctor Who revival made an impression from day one. In her first episode, aptly titled «Rose,» average retail worker Rose is introduced through a speedy montage of her living her very ordinary life. Running out of the flat she shares with her mum, she hops on the bus to work, meets her boyfriend for lunch, and goes about her job in a huge department store.
At the end of her shift, Rose has to run back into the store to drop off the lottery money with the caretaker — but instead runs into living mannequins and The Doctor. Rose immediately demands to know what is going on ,and seamlessly joins The Doctor on his mission to take out the living plastic. The story was everything fans loved about the show, and began one of the most iconic companion and Doctor relationships.
Just as iconic as the first episode and companion of the revival
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