The Bomberman franchise has been at a strange place, with Konami following mixed directions with the series. There has been no lack of games as the free-to-play Super Bomberman R Online is still active at the time of writing this article. However, there's a major cause for concern as the latest news indicates the game's closure. The news comes when the game is just 18 months old, but Konami has assured fans of the franchise that they need not worry.
The free-to-play title was launched in May 2021 and just recently completed its anniversary. It's currently unclear why Konami decided to terminate the game. Recent official news indicates that the service will close on December 1, 2022. This means that the title will have existed for just 18 months. The in-app purchases will stop earlier than that, and Konami has also clarified the franchise's future as a whole.
As mentioned earlier, there's no concrete reason why Konami has made this decision:
The online version is an extension of the Super Bomberman R game, which will be a premium experience. The online version comes with a unique Battle 64 mode, which is its own take on the battle royale genre.
While there are many battle royale games, the game being discussed is quite different. Sadly for all its fans, they have six months left to enjoy the modes.
As for the premium title, it appears that the game will still be available. Konami has also informed its players about the new direction that they want to take with the franchise.
Based on what the developers have to say, fans can even expect something new that hasn't been previously announced. While the current free-to-play title will be disbanded, there could be a case for more titles to appear in the future. Hence, the series