Fire Emblem Engage is a long-running Nintendo franchise. Despite its age, every series iteration has impressed fans and newcomers. It has many intricate mechanics that vividly alter the game experience. This distinction exists due to every in-game character’s wide variety of skills.
The number of skills can be overwhelming at first. The game revolves around three different skills: Personal, Class, and Emblem. It is natural for new players to be confused regarding the most potent skills that can make their battles easier in this game. So, we have attempted to simplify these for better understanding by players beginning their journey in Fire Emblem Engage.
Fire Emblem Engage has many skills that one can quickly lose track of. Add to that the various types, which only increases the difficulty in choosing them. However, the game offers a lot of flexibility in allowing the players to upgrade all their characters and tweak their stats deeply. Like any other RPG (Role Playing Game), Fire Emblem Engage has specific skills that are better than others.
Every playable character in Fire Emblem Engage has a unique skill. These skills are categorized as Personal skills. Players should note that they are specific to each character and cannot be altered. These can’t be transferred to any other character, either.
The following are some of the best personal skills:
This is the skill players will have by default, as it belongs to Alear. This enables the adjacent allies to deal three damage points and incur one less damage point from enemies.
Players can utilize this skill if they have Etie in their unit, who can be recruited from the country of Firene. Energized grants two Strength (STR) if a unit recovers HP using a healing item.
This skill