Assassination Classroom, a science fiction comedy anime series, uses modern-day psychology, specifically color psychology, in the creation of its main characters and in the progression of its plot. Having characters with crazy hair colors is a feature that is widely overlooked due to its saturation in the anime industry. However, in the case of Assassination Classroom, the series takes it beyond the stereotype using it to reveal major plot twists by hiding them in plain sight.
In collaboration with the original manga artist, Yusei Matsui, and Lerche, the animation brand owned by Studio Hibari, Assassination Classroom takes place in modern-day Japan at Kunugigaoka Junior High School, a school for the elite. The show follows Class 3-E, the outcasts of the school, as they attempt to assassinate an otherworldly being in the form of Korosensei, an indestructible octopus monster who destroyed half of the moon. Due to its widespread popularity, the anime series ran from 2013 to 2016 with two TV seasons, one live-action movie, and several video games created by the gaming giant, Bandai Namco Entertainment.
Assassination Classroom: A Kill or be Killed Anime You Need to Watch
Color psychology is the study of how color affects our emotions and behaviors.
Color Psychology dates all the way back to Ancient Egypt, China, and Greece, where colors were discovered to evoke certain emotions. With Isaac Newton's discovery of wavelengths and the creation of the color wheel, it served as the foundation for Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's research, The Theory of Colors. This, in turn, created modern-day color psychology and its applications in graphic design, therapy, marketing, and advertising.
One of the most noticeable features of a person is his