It’s no secret that Warframe boasts a huge arsenal of weapons and gear that many other games pale in comparison to. Since the game has been out for so long, the developers have been able to add all kinds of weapons and gear. However, not each is available for use, as many have been vaulted over time. If you are a big fan of the game and are interested in finding out all vaulted Prime weapons and Warframes, we’ve listed them below.
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Every vaulted Prime weaponPrime Weapons in Warframe are categorized into primary, secondary, and melee. You can find all the vaulted ones listed below.
Primary weapons Baza PrimeBoar PrimeBoltor PrimeCorinth PrimeLatron PrimePanthera PrimeParis PrimeSoma PrimeStradavar PrimeSybaris PrimeZhuge primeSecondary weapons Akbolto PrimeAkbronco PrimeAkjagara PrimeAklex PrimeAksomati PrimeAkstiletto PrimeBallistica PrimeEuphona PrimePyrana PrimeSicarus PrimeSpira PrimeVasto PrimeZakti PrimeMelee weapons Ankyros PrimeBo PrimeDakra PrimeDestreza PrimeDual Kamas PrimeFang PrimeGalatine PrimeGlaive PrimeGuandao PrimeKaryst PrimeKogake PrimeNami Skyla PrimeNikana PrimeNinkondi PrimePangolin PrimeReaper PrimeRedeemer PrimeSilva & Aegis PrimeTekko PrimeTipedo PrimeVenka PrimeEvery vaulted WarframeHere are all the vaulted Warframes in the game.
Ash PrimeAtlas PrimeBanshee PrimeEmber PrimeEquinox PrimeFrost PrimeHydroid PrimeInaros PrimeIvara PrimeLimbo PrimeLoki PrimeMag PrimeMesa PrimeMirage PrimeNekros PrimeNezha PrimeNova PrimeOberon PrimeRhino PrimeSaryn PrimeTitania PrimeTrinity PrimeValkyr PrimeVauban PrimeVolt PrimeWukong PrimeWhile the developers continue adding new weapons and gear to the game, there is also a chance the vaulted ones will become playable