God of War is a video game series from developer Santa Monica Studios, first released in 2005. The series took a loose approach to Greek mythology and told an original tale surrounding the protagonist Kratos (the angry Spartan we all know and love) as he tears a path through the pantheon of gods.
While not exhibiting the most intricate gameplay, the God of War games has been some of the best hack and slash titles on the market. In 2018, however, the series took a turn with a soft reboot and changed up the genre as well as the main character to be more likable and relatable.
The series has seen more than a handful of titles, some of which are mobile games and others that do not pertain to the main story. In this ranked feature, I’ll look at all the mainline games of the God of War series and rank them based on their overall appeal.
We can all collectively agree that no one needs God of War: Ascension. This title included a multiplayer mode, but that could not save it from being chastised as possibly the worst the series has to offer, at least when compared to all previous.
Prequel games have the problem of trying to tell interesting stories when the outcome is already known. While games like Red Dead Redemption 2 are examples of how to do a prequel story justice, Ascension falls into the opposite category, retreading a story already known with nothing else of impact.
The gameplay was also relatively lackluster and was not an evolution of the hack and slash method seen in the previous games. The new combat system was counter-intuitive to the gameplay, which tried to emulate the titles' spectacles. In the end, this was quite a forgettable game, seen only as a blip in the series’ history.
Released in 2005 for the PlayStation 2,
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