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Who Are The Seldarine Drow In Baldur’s Gate 3?

Of the races that players can choose for their characters in, the drow are probably among the most powerful. The drow, or dark elves, gain a number of features which make them ideal for adventuring, including free access to spells and superior darkvision.

But there are actually two different kinds of drow the player can choose from for their custom characters: the Lolth-sworn and the seldarine.

These elf subraces are completely indistinct in terms of abilities and mechanics, but differ greatly in their history and culture.The difference is mainly in the gods their ancestors chose to follow, and the societies they live in now, which influence how the rest of the world perceives them.

That being said, is never entirely clear about the history of the seldarine, and players must turn to the lore of' Forgotten Realms to get a fuller picture.

The schism between the Lolth-sworn and seldarine goes back eons, and is vague even within the established lore of the Forgotten Realms.

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