How much of your life is spent waiting? Think about it. Waiting at the DMV, waiting for a train, waiting for an important phone call, waiting for your perpetually late friend to show up, waiting to grow up.
Life is a long endurance test of patience. That’s the simple thesis of While Waiting, a new puzzle game that’s deceptively emotional.
On paper, it sounds like a one-note gag. It features 100 bite-sized levels, each tossing players into a familiar life experience that requires some form of waiting.
It’s like the anti-WarioWare, swapping five second microgames for drawn out ones that require virtually no reaction time. Don’t let that light premise take your guard down, though: While Waiting is an ingenious bit of video game storytelling that’ll stick with you so long as you’ve got the patience to see it through.
Recommended Videos While Waiting is unassuming at first. I’m quickly tossed into levels with mundane objectives. One requires me to wait for the bus, milling around for a few minutes until it arrives.