Table of Contents 9. Nintendogs + Cats – 3DS 8. Luigi’s Mansion 7. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed 6. Super Mario Bros.
5. Super Mario World 4. Wii Sports 3. Tetris 2. Super Mario 64 1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild The lines between console generations have become more blurred than ever thanks to tons of cross-generation games, remakes, and remasters.
However, a system’s launch lineup is still very important for giving early adopters a peak at what the power of that new system can do.
Nintendo consoles more than any other have provided some of the best launch games to the point that most of the best NES games, best N64 games, and best Switch games are all launch titles.
Typically, launch games are overshadowed by games that come later in the generation but which ones have stood the test of time best?