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Almost A Decade After BOTW, I'm Just Now Realizing Which Mechanic Killed Link The Most

There are plenty of hazards in that can cost Link his life if unprepared. These range from powerful monsters and disguised Yiga to inhospitable environments, issues that are typically overcome through a combination of equipment and simple experience.

Naturally, is far from unique in incorporating these types of issues into its gameplay. But even so, what is arguably the most frequent cause of death for Link in the game reveals some interesting facts about the development of.

As is the case in most video games, death is little more than a learning experience in. Although some progress through a given area may be lost, Link will not lose anything in his inventory as a penalty.

This is a very convenient feature in which allows people to confront all of the game’s challenges with little hesitation. Of course, it is also worth noting that there are also some very entertaining ways for Link to die in , where any frustration is eased by the sheer spectacle of the deadly situation.

From the very outset, there are near-countless ways for Link to perish in . For example, simply exploring the Great Plateau can lead to encounters with a Stone Talus and an immobile Guardian, either of which can easily kill somebody unfamiliar with them.

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