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Zelda: Ocarina Of Time’s 10 Creepiest Enemies That Can Still Haunt Your Dreams

isn't a horror game, but the creepy design of enemies you face as Link might make you feel otherwise. After he becomes an adult and is released from his stasis in the Sacred Realm, Link returns to a Hyrule that's been ravaged by Ganondorf.

Possibly because of this negative energy and destruction, the enemies you find tend to include more unsettling designs compared to those you come across during Link’s childhood. As far as creepy designs go, you have a range in that goes from somewhat unsettling to «I never want to see this creature again.» While you find most creepy creatures as adult Link, a couple that appeared during his childhood are almost worse simply because of the story behind them.

If it wanted to be, could've been an amazing horror title. Queen Gohma is the first boss you fight in the game as child Link, and you find her inside the Great Deku Tree.

Her spider-based design is creepy for anybody who dislikes spiders in general. Then, you add in the fact that you don't even see Gohma until the screen shows the ceiling of the boss room and a giant spider creature is hanging out up there.

That doesn't make it any less disturbing to see this massive spider as the root of the Great Deku Tree's ailment. As the first boss, Gohma isn't particularly difficult, and instead you learn the basics of 's boss fights that continue throughout the rest of the game.

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