Back in 2021, fellow BGQ reviewer and all around swell guy James reviewed the roll and write board game Rolling Realms. Published by Stonemaier Games (Wingspan, Scythe), Rolling Realms is an infinitely player scalable game that has you rolling dice and marking boxes in a dozen “realms” themed around Stonemaier games.
Overall he thought it was a good game, but held back by its theme. Fast forward to today and we’ll be looking at Rolling Realms Redux.
No, this isn’t a second edition of the previous game. Instead, it’s a standalone expansion that, instead of featuring Stonemanier Games for its realms, focuses on games from other publishers catalogs (and public domain ones).
If you’ve played the original Rolling Realms, you can skip right down to the next section and the gameplay is identical (and fully compatible).
For the new, here is a quick rundown of the gameplay. The twelve realms cards are shuffled and three are drawn. Each player will use these three realms for this round of play, which consists of 9 turns.