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Resident Evil 4 director Shinji Mikami promised 20 years ago to disembowel himself if the legendary third-person shooter ever left GameCube, so nobody tell him it's now on over 10 different platforms

Resident Evil 4 celebrates its 20th anniversary this month, and you can honor the slimy shooter by playing it on PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PC, Mac, iPhone, or on your friend's brother's girlfriend's iPad… just don't tell series creator Shinji Mikami, who once threatened to slice himself open if the game ever left GameCube. "Biohazard 4 will definitely release only on the GameCube," Mikami told the Japanese magazine Hyper Capcom Special for its summer 2002 edition, according to a fan translation. "Not on another console.

If it [is ported elsewhere], I will commit seppuku." Seppuku, or hara-kiri: a samurai's ritual suicide by forcing a short blade across and up the stomach, death by disembowelment.

It's a grisly commitment to one's honor, albeit a melodramatic sacrifice for the company that made Mario Kart Double Dash. Later, IGN got more specific with Resident Evil 4 producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi.

What about the PS2, which had more horror games than just Luigi's Mansion? Surely Resident Evil 4 would make it to that console. "Definitely not.

Definitely not," Kobayashi said, channeling Mikami's gritted teeth loyalty. "It's a GameCube exclusive." A few months after his interview, publisher Capcom announced that Resident Evil 4 was getting a PS2 port.

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