OnePlus 13, the latest flagship from OnePlus, is now available for open sale in India. Launched earlier this month on 7 January, the phone is priced at ₹69,999.
Here, let us tell you how you can get it for much less than that by combining two offers: an exchange offer and a bank discount.Currently, the OnePlus 13 is selling at its full price of ₹69,999.
However, if you have a compatible credit card, you can get an instant discount of ₹5,000. This brings the price down to ₹64,999.To make the deal even better, exchange offers are available.
For example, if you own a OnePlus 12 and want to upgrade to the OnePlus 13, you can trade in your old phone for a good amount.
Amazon is offering up to ₹28,500 for the exchange of a OnePlus 12 base model with 12GB RAM and 256GB storage, provided the device is in optimal condition.