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Larian scrambles to find out who exactly put Patch 8 on the PS5 early, meanwhile I, a PC unfortunate, rattle the bars of my enclosure

As PC Gamer is wont to do, we've been posting a lot about how our device of choice has won the console war. I would like to unilaterally, with authority that I do not have (and have not asked for), state that we've lost.

Catastrophically, because the PlayStation 5 has randomly received Patch 8 of Baldur's Gate 3 early and I'm volcanic with jealousy.

The only saving grace is that it's not, er, actually supposed to be this way. In an announcement made to the Baldur's Gate 3 Discord, a senior community manager by the name of Salo writes: «No, the Patch 8 stress test hasn’t yet begun.

Yes, PS5 players do currently have access to Patch 8.» This seems corroborated by, well, the internet—here's one player who's downloading it, here's another.

Here's a PS5 player on the Discord server realising that they had, in fact, downloaded Patch 8 of the game with a: «Hexblade is new, right?

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