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Infinity Nikki Fans Discuss The Most Obvious Things They Didn't Realize About The Title, Sharing Tips For New Players

has so much to explore and discover that some players are finding out they've been missing out on a few details. The free-to-play cozy exploration game has only been out for about a month and has already grown a massive following.

But although the title makes it easy to dive into, the game is so vast that it's also easy to miss. Thankfully, the community is here to help each other progress through the game by sharing information and tips.

Oneplayer who goes by ALLANS0N on Reddit started a discussion inviting other players to share the "" The user starts the conversation with their own story, stating that it took them a week of playing before they realized that "" Until they noticed the bugs flying away, they hadn't stopped to think about why there were flowers "" taking them to be like a magical Miraland version of the tumbleweed.

Fellow fans were quick to join in with their own discoveries, which rangefrom small details to more significant moments of realization.

The discussion led to many other players writing about things they had missed, hoping to inform anyone else who might have been in the dark about them.

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