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How To Trap A Maeguana In Ark: Survival Ascended

Through the new DLC for , you can trap and tame the creature Maeguana, a giant lizard that makes traveling across land easy.

This new creature is a skittish omnivore that can be added to your already large roster of friendly reptiles at your command.

However, unlike many other creatures, Maeguana has unique traits that distinguish it from its reptilian counterparts. Maeguana has fast land travel speed along with the ability to glide through the air, making the creature a versatile mix of ground and air travel.

This dinosaur acts like a reptilian flying squirrel, jumping high into the air before gliding over great distances. By taming and mounting this creature, you can use its unorthodox movements to cover a lot of ground quickly as you try to reach different locations.

You can find Maeguanas around Grassland biomes throughout your map, but these creatures tend to spawn more near the Korinthos and Phokintos islands.

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