Among the various new creatures you can encounter in 's DLC, the Cyclops is a boss you can face to earn various rewards. This single-eyed behemoth of Greek mythology cannot be faced until you meet the right requirements that unlock the boss' challenge.
In order to face the Cyclops, you have to gather specific materials to open a path to the boss' arena. The Greek myth theme of within the DLC is represented the most through the three bosses added to the game.
Along with the Cyclops, you can also challenge Medusa and the Minotaur, who each drop rare rewards upon their defeat. However, you need to have the right items to unlock every Greek myth boss fight, with some resources only spawning on the DLC's new map.
The only requirement needed to unlock the Cyclops boss fight is to build the Thodes the Widowmaker Portal device, which can transport you to the Cyclops' arena.
Placing this object on any Green Obelisk Terminal on the Astraeos map will unlock a gateway to the Cyclops. Once you travel through the portal, you will end up in a large arena with you and whatever dinosaur companions you have to face this enemy of Greek myth.