Steven Ogg Trevor Philips Citi fun Interviews Videos voice record actor Steven Ogg Trevor Philips

Grand Theft Auto's Steven Ogg On GTA 6: "It Would Be Fun If Trevor Appeared In It Just To Be Killed At The Beginning"

Steven Ogg has a great pitch for . A prolific actor of the big and small screen, Steven Ogg is best known in the video game industry for lending his voice to 's Trevor Philips, one of its three playable protagonists.

As 's resident wildcard, Trevor has become one of its most beloved characters, and in the breathless speculation about everything , many fans have hoped he'd make a return.

At present, he says, he hasn't recorded anything — but he does have a great idea for a cameo. In a recent interview with, Ogg laid out details of his pitch for a Trevor cameo in. "" he said, referencing a similar scene during Trevor's introduction in.

Shortly after Trevor first appears, he's confronted by Johnny Kleibitz, a minor character from who also starred in DLC. In a demonstration of his volatility, Trevor snaps and turns on him, killing him unceremoniously on the spot.

As far as Steven Ogg knows, though, it doesn't look like Trevor will be returning for (or that Ogg will be returning in another role).

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