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Game made in consultancy with alien abductees delists itself after claiming it received a bomb threat and the authorities are 'part of the problem'

Take a big old sip of coffee. Universal Conquest, a space grand strategy game «based on personal interviews with alien abductees» and allegedly in development for over a decade, has been voluntarily de-listed from Steam by its solo dev, following what they describe as «an offer we couldn't refuse».

And breathe. Universal Conquest first appeared on Steam in June last year, promising a 4X/RTS hybrid set in the far-flung space future where you «carve your empire out of the cosmos».

It was nothing if not ambitious, featuring land, air, sea and space combat, over 5000 different units, a procgen universe, species customisation, and then of course that special sauce: «Developed through the consultancy of alien abductees and their contacts.» The developer of Universal Conquest is listed as Reptilian Games, which will interest David Icke, alongside Darkweb Warlocks.

They also seem to go by the name «Dan» and, when replying to negative comments on Steam, «Big Chungus.» So are you ready to «Strech [sic] your mighty hands across the vast reaches of space and dominate the universe»?

Tough luck: «We're being forced to take the game offline,» begins a new Steam announcement, which appeared as all previous developer blogs on the game were deleted. «We can't answer too many questions, but law enforcement knows.

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