Art Half-Life Music voice cover actor song Art

G-Man's voice actor rings in the new year by dropping a cryptic tweet grenade promising 'unexpected surprises' into the starving Half-Life 3 fanbase

There are certain, well, certainties in life. Death and taxes are two of them, while the fact that Half-Life 3 is probably never coming is a fitting third.

Despite a bevvy of occult rumours and whisperings, prayers and sacrifices to the periodic table have never borne fruit. Silksong, for all its despair and mania, can't even hold a candle to the long, 21-year old flame that fans of Half-Life 2 have been holding for the sequel that never was.

But hark! What's that cresting yonder hill, a cryptic tweet from G-Man's official voice actor? Could it be that the end-times are finally upon us?

Is the rapture finally come? On the 31st of December 2024, at 10:00PM—basically at the crack of the new year—Mike Shapiro, voice of the beloved and cryptic G-Man, tweeted a slow-pan of the cover art from his music single Best Long Dog. #Valve #Halflife #GMan #2025 31, 2024 Tagged #Valve, #Half-Life, and #GMan, what really has engines revving and copium machines flooded is what's spoken within, as Shapiro's dulcet tones give way to the stilted delivery of G-Man, his voice like cracking ice on an ancient lake: «Another year already.

Good to see and hear from so many of you. May the next quarter-century deliver as many… unexpected surprises, hm? As did the millennium's first… Then again, time is fluid.

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