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Dying in Spelunky sometimes makes me mad, but it always just makes me laugh in comically brutal roguelike Lucky Tower Ultimate

You know in Spelunky when you spend a little too long on a level and a nearly invulnerable ghost that can instakill you appears and slowly chases you to the exit?

There's something like that in dungeon-crawling roguelike Lucky Tower Ultimate, only it's a naked purple dude with a giant hammer.

And he's not slow or subtle: he sprints right at you, screaming at the top of his lungs. He also doesn't wait for you to spend too much time on a level: I've had him hammer me the second I opened the door to his room.

Being splattered into paste the moment you step into a level doesn't feel quite as fair as being haunted because you were blatantly dillydallying, but I'm 100% okay with Lucky Tower Ultimate being unfair.

Almost every time I die it's really funny, and that takes the sting out of starting over. Dying in Spelunky sometimes makes me mad, but here it almost always just makes me laugh.

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