uses hidden data to determine which game lobby players belong in. However, there is a way players can find out their rating.,, and previous installments of the franchise use what’s called skill-based matchmaking (SBMM).
Each player is given an SBMM rating based on multiple aspects of their in-game performance, which then determines who they play against.
In theory, this keeps multiplayer games more balanced than if matchmaking was done completely at random. Players are naturally curious to know what their SBMM rating is, and how that compares to other players’ scores.
However, SBMM ratings aren’t displayed in-game the same way other stats like win rate or K/D ratios are. Luckily, it isn’t impossible to find SBMM ratings, although it does require jumping through a few hoops, and a bit of a wait.
Still, competitive players likely won’t mind if it means getting a greater insight into how their performance is being tracked and what this means for their matchmaking lobbies.