The universe is known for its detailed stories and interesting characters. The original trilogy and created a grand and personal story, leaving players with memorable experiences and a craving for more.
However, even well-loved stories have their flaws. As we look forward to, we can’t ignore the ongoing questions and inconsistencies that have bothered fans for years, especially after the controversial ending of and the separate story of .
The new game has a great chance to start fresh and resolve these unanswered questions. Instead of ignoring the plot holes, Bioware can show they care about the story by providing clear answers andsettling long-standing discussions.
Fans have been busy theorizing about everything from the true role of the reapers to the real outcomes of Shepard's choices in the ending.
Clearing up these questions would help build trust as we move into . should seriously consider the Indoctrination Theory, even if it doesn’t completely confirm it.