Where the first game had Research Stations, has EMF Experiments that can give players rewards for upgrading skills and gadgets. These experiments are important to Peter and Harry's new Emily-May Foundation. Like the Research Stations, these side missions show Peter's helpful energy at its finest, improving the world in a way any player could with experiments, science, and a desire to fix things.
There are three types of EMF Experiments. There are two Energy experiments where Peter builds up energy through biking or wind turbines. The Bee Drone experiments involve controlling a drone and shooting targets. The other four experiments focus on Plant Science and include Plant Attribute puzzles. These puzzles are similar to the circuitry puzzles of Marvel's Spider-Man but involve pairing tiles together.
The first EMF Plant Science Experiment in is based in Portside, better known as the northwest corner of Hell's Kitchen. This experiment involves two puzzles. The first puzzle is an atom-smashing puzzle where you must destroy the red corrupted atoms but spare the green essential atoms. You can rotate the puzzle to fully see each atom.
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First, destroy one of the two red atoms, forming a Y shape at the end of an atom string. There are two red atoms stuck together close by. Target the red atom at the string's end to destroy it and its twin. Next, find the two red atoms separated by an orange atom. Destroying orange atoms does not ruin the puzzle, sobreak the orange atom between the two red atoms. The last two corrupted atoms are stuck between orange atoms, so you can freely destroy them without harming the essential atoms.
Once you are finished with that puzzle, you will
Marvel's Spider-Man 2