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How To Unlock Voltron In Funko Fusion

not only offers players entire secret Cameo Levels but also secret Cameo Characters, one of whom is Voltron from the TV series of the same name. However, to unlock these special characters, you'll first need to track them down across the various worlds of and speak with them.

While Voltron doesn't have his own level, he can be found in several levels and spoken with, which will result in the ability to unlock and play as Voltron. Unfortunately, while this is not complicated in and of itself, the process can be tedious as this will mean making significant progress in the overall game before you have the chance to play as Voltron.

To unlock Voltron, you'll need to complete his Cameo Quest, which involves initially finding him. Unfortunately for Voltron, this involves reaching the fourth level of. After that, you will need to find and speak with him in six other locations as well. So to begin, you'll need to complete a significant portion of level four of to reach the area where you can retrieve the Cameo Quest card, as seen in JayShockblast's YouTube video above.

Getting Colonel Sanders and his outfits in Funko Fusion may require a different approach than players would typically expect from a video game.

The Cameo Quest card will be found inside a purple chest next to some lockers and a table in the latter half of the level. Once you have that in hand, you'll need to take it to the key card reader which can be found by backtracking to the large room you came from and up a large flight of stairs.

If you have any trouble finding the key card reader , use the icon on your screen to guide you. When you collect a Cameo Quest card, you should see a keyhole icon appear on the screen with an arrow next to it and a distance guide showing how far you are.

Beyond the door, you'll find Voltron. He needs your help finding the Trans-Reality Comet to close a rift that was opened by Lotor. Immediately after speaking with him, enemies will begin to spawn in the room, so be prepared

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