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Star Wars: The Old Republic Reveals What's Coming in Update 7.3, 'Old Wounds'

Star Wars: The Old Republic unveiled update 7.3, “Old Wounds”  on a special stream. Expect a new story, a new Flashpoint, PvP changes, and a return to Voss.

The Old Wounds storyline is coming, and this will return to Darth Malgus’ story and allies’ search for clues related to Darth Nul. There are plans to uncover, and both new and returning characters involved, including Malgus, Shae Vizla, Sana-Rae, and Torian Cadera. 

The story is what takes us back to Voss, this time with a new landing zone, side missions, new achievements, armor sets, and of course, all the news story. The Shrine Restoration Initiative will be important and you will have to help the Voss and Gormak rebuild some of the destruction from the Eternal Empire. 

With this, you’ll explore a new area known as the Interpreter’s Retreat. There’s a short clip of the area included in the reveal. The Flashpoint,”Shrine of Silence” also got a reveal and a peek at its environments in a clip. The team went further into details on the Flashpoint, including a reveal and details about the first boss that people will encounter, the Corrupted Vorantikus.

We also get a peek and some details from the team on Shrine of Silence’s final boss, known as The Curse. They revealed concept art, and this boss is “created by Sith experimentation from centuries ago” and has been growing in power in an abandoned environment for a very long time and absorbing natural elements”. The boss “taps into the Spirit World and corrupts its victims”. When introducing The Curse, the encounter designers noted that this corruption will be kind of picking off weaker team members so you should have a good healer ready.

The SWTOR team has continued working on rebalancing the credit economy to

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