Today's Wordle word of the day is yet another challenge from the New York Time Games website. For anyone who needs a few hints to get through the this puzzle, here are a few hints and the complete answer to the Wordle.
Wordle is a viral game that has made its rounds on social media. Beginning back in January, it seemed like those little green, yellow, and gray boxes were showing up on everyone's Twitter and Facebook. That being said, there are still some who have yet to try it, so here is a quick breakdown of the rules.
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While there are tons of Wordle clones and copycats out there, this article is about the NYTs version, originally hosted on the Powerlanguage website. This is the original version, and all others may have variations in rules and answers. So players will need to head to the New York Times Games website and look for Wordle. Once there, players will need to start with a great starting word; it needs to be five-letters and a real English word. Type it into the site and press enter, and this will make the letters change color based on whether they are in the word of the day or not.
Wordle fans then have five more guesses to get to the word correctly before they lose. While there are many different strategies for winning at Wordle, everyone will want to come up with what works for them. After completing the puzzle, players will need to wait until midnight local time for a new puzzle to appear.
Although today's word is not one of the more difficult, double-lettered puzzle that can really fumble a Wordle winning streak, this word is still not an easy one to guess. Here are a few hints.
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