As the third installment in the series, Bayonetta 3 marks the return of our favorite gun-wielding witch. Developed by Platinum Games of Nier Automata fame, the latest Nintendo Switch title features some new and familiar faces.
Bayonetta 3 is an action-adventure, hack-and-slash video game with plenty of optional challenges and collectibles to keep an achievement hunter occupied. One such collectible is the Verses, which are both easy and challenging to find.
Note: Minor spoilers for Bayonetta 3 may follow. Reader discretion is advised.
Each chapter in Bayonetta 3 has several Verses to collect. Verses include battles to accompany them, and Bayonetta must survive through trials to earn powerups to use.
The side missions of Bayonetta 3 do not have any Verses for players to collect.
Chapters 12, 13, and 14 of Bayonetta 3 are still a work in progress.
Bayonetta 3 was released, amid much controversy surrounding ex-Bayonetta VA Helena Taylor, for the Nintendo Switch on October 28, 2022.
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